Hi there! How are you today? Our class is going to be about Possessives.
There are three kinds of possessives that are used in English; adjectives, pronouns and names. They are always used to indicate that something or someone belongs to you. Let's begin, there's:
Adjectives |
Pronouns |
My |
Mine |
Your |
Yours |
His |
His |
Her |
Hers |
Our |
Ours |
Their |
Theirs |
Your |
Yours |
The last one, in the plural form.
OK, now we're going to see how each kind of possessive is used, using the clothes that we're seeing in this unit. For example:
- Possessive adjective: These are my shoes
- Possessive pronoun: These shoes are mine.
- Possessive adjective: These are your socks.
- Possessive pronoun: These socks are yours.
- Possessive adjective: This is his shirt.
- Possessive pronoun: This shirt is his.
- Possessive adjective: This is her dress.
- Possessive pronoun: This dress is hers.
- Possessive adjective: These are our socks.
- Possessive pronoun: These socks are ours.
- Possessive adjective: These are their gloves.
- Possessive pronoun: These gloves are theirs.
And then, we use names.
- Pat's skirt.
- Julie's sweater.
- Rex's suit.
I want to emphasize that the possessive pronouns are always used either at the end or at the beginning of a sentence. And the possessive adjectives are always used in the middle, just like we saw before.
These shoes are mine. It goes at the end. These are my shoes. It goes in the middle. We can also ask questions; Whose shoes are these? They're mine; Where are your shoes? Mine are over there. So, it can either go at the beggining or at the end when it is a pronoun, when it is an adjective, always in the middle of a sentence or a question.
OK. Let's see some more examples to make sure it is clear. First, I'm going to use a sentence using an adjective and then the pronoun. OK, let's start.
- This is my blouse.
- This blouse is mine.
- This is your scarf.
- This scarf is yours.
- This is his belt.
- This belt is his.
- This is her skirt.
- This skirt is hers.
- These are our shoes.
- These shoes are ours.
- These are their jeans.
- These jeans are theirs.
And now with the names;
- Whose skirt is this?
- It's Julie's.
- Whose pants are these?
- They're Peter's.
Any questions?